

英漢字典: come back

1. return;recall回來;回想起

    I'll come back in two hours. 我兩小時後就回來。

    Their names are all coming back to me now. 我漸漸想起了他們的名字。

    The scene comes back to my mind. 那情景又浮現在我的腦海中。

2. return to a former state;return to life,consciousness or vitality,etc. 恢復原狀;復活;恢復知覺;恢復活力

    It's impossible for him to come back soon. 要他早日恢復健康是不可能的。

    The little girl came back a few minutes after she fainted. 小女孩昏迷幾分鐘後醒過來了。

3. become fashionable or popular again重新流行

    Short skirts are coming back. 短裙又開始流行起來。

4. reply forcefully;retort強烈回答;答辯;反駁

    When accused of theft,he came back with a stinging counteraccusation. 別人指責他盜竊,他反咬人一口。

    He came back with a strong protest against their false charge. 他對他們的誣告提出強烈的抗議。

    The lawyer came back sharply in defence of his client. 這個律師為保護當事人進行了有力的辯護。

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